My Progress

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Glowing Green Smoothie recipe, and other notes

Okay, so I've been bad at updating this. But we all knew that was going to happen. I have a short attention span.

First and foremost, I would like to share my most recent results. I am now down a total of 8 pounds since I started on March 14th, just 8 weeks ago. I have also lost a total of 12 inches from the spots that I have been measuring. There are 7 &1/2 weeks to go until the wedding!

Inches lost:
Waist: -2
Hips: -3.5
Thighs: -1.5
Arms: 0 (the one thing that wont budge!)
Waist where my pants hit: -2.5
Chest: -2.5

 I am pretty pleased with how I've done so far! My end goal may not be realistic - I'd have to lose another 10 pounds. Honestly, I'd be happy with losing just 5 more. We will see how I do!

I touched on the Glowing Green Smoothie in my last update, it has been something that I've incorporated into my diet during the past two weeks. It looks weird, tastes delicious, and gets lots of fruits and veggies into my diet that I wouldn't otherwise eat - I am NOT a veggie eater. The recipe comes from the amazing book, The Beauty Detox Solution, by Kimberly Snyder. The book is a real eye opener, and helps you look at diet and nutrition a lot differently. I learned a lot about digestion, and have made small changes to what I eat, and when I eat it, which has helped me a lot. You can buy the book here, and check out Kimberly's blog and website here.

Glowing Green Smoothie Recipe 
Adapted from The Beauty Detox Solution, by Kimberly Snyder

1 & 1/2 cups of cold, filtered water
1 head of organic romaine lettuce, chopped
3-4 stalks of organic celery
large bunch of organic spinach
1 organic apple, cored and chopped (I like to use Gala apples)
1 organic pear, cored and chopped
1 organic banana
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
zest of 1/2 a lemon
Optional: (I never used either, because I don't particularly care for either flavor)
1/3 bunch of organic cilantro
1/3 bunch of organic parsley
In a blender, add the water and the romaine lettuce. Start at a low speed, and mix until smooth. Gradually moving to higher speeds, add the spinach, celery, apple, and pear. Add the cilantro and parsley, if you are choosing to add them. Add the banana, the lemon juice, and the lemon zest last. 

I recommend refrigerating this for at least 2 hours before drinking - I always made a big batch at night before bed - enough for 3 days. It is great to have as your breakfast, which is what I did for two weeks straight. (I gave up eggs during this time, shocking, I know!) I promise, it tastes great. I always added a little extra lemon juice - the zest isn't in the original recipe, but I think it adds nice flavor. It doesn't taste like spinach or lettuce, honestly all you taste is the apple, the pear, and the lemon. Let me know if you try it!

I have also started doing new exercise classes, which I luckily get to do for free, courtesy of my new part-time job! I started doing Demi-Bar Pilates, which Madonna made famous. It uses a ballet barre, a pilates ball, 3 pound weights, gliders, and the "magic circle".  I also started a Cardio Fusion class, which incorporates the use of gliders, flex bands, 3 pound weights, and a bunch of other stuff I've never used before! Everything focuses on small movements and pulses - it doesn't look like you're doing much, but don't be fooled - it's TOUGH! I love it and I'm now obsessed. So I am hoping that these classes, along with cardio, will help get me to the next level :)

You can find more information about the classes I have been taking at Fixe Self Center here: