My Progress

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

80 days in....

Well hello again! I'm up earlier than I should be, with some time to kill before pilates, so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to make a new blog post!

So, the title of this post is right: it's been 80 days since I started this journey. EIGHTY! I can't believe it! And there are 30 days until the wedding. So let's check in and see where I'm at, shall we?

Demi-Bar Pilates has been AMAZING for me. It's a great workout, and it totally does re-shape your body. I can't say enough good things about it. I try to do pilates 3-4 times a week, and do the cardio fusion class twice a week. Demi-Bar Pilates will usually burn anywhere between 280 - 450 calories for me, and on days I do pilates, I usually go to the gym as well to do cardio for about 25 minutes. The Cardio Fusion class is all about keeping your heart rate up, so I usually burn about 400-530 in that class. Last nights was brutal, and I'm feeling the pain!

So within just 4 weeks of pilates, I felt my body changing and I started dropping more inches. Here are the inches I lost since I started doing pilates:

WAIST -1.25
HIPS -2.5
THIGH -1.5
ARM -1
CHEST -1.5

That makes for a total of 11 inches lost in one month! And I finally lost an inch in my arms, the stubborn little area that wouldn't budge!

Overall, since the beginning of the skinny bridesmaid journey on march 14th, I've lost a total of 19.75 inches, 2% body fat, and 8 pounds. It's a little disappointing that I haven't lost more weight, but at least the inches are melting off, which makes me feel great. I can't wait to see what the total end result will be!

Another bridesmaid and I just started the Trader Joe's Complete Body Cleanse. It's a two week program with 3 different kinds of pills. During the cleanse, you are to limit and/or eliminate the following:
  • alcohol
  • simple carbohydrates
  • red meat
  • dairy
Yesterday was day 1, nothing crazy happened. I'll keep you guys posted if anyone is interested in doing it. I've heard great things about it, and I've also heard that you could drop a few pounds from it as well. And now that I think of it, it's about that time to go take the fiber capsules!

1 comment:

  1. Ktina, I am very impressed with your results. And, I vouche that she looks amazing. Pilates has been doing your body good. :)

    Let me know what you think of the cleanse, I'm thinking of delving into that arena to feel less bloated and blah.
