My Progress

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Long time, no blog!

Okay, I'll admit it - I kinda knew this was going to happen. I was all excited to start a blog, and was totally committed to updating it a few times a week. Well, as you can see, I got a little lazy! It's been over a week and I'm a very,very bad blogger. But I promise to get better about it this week :)

The past couple of weeks, I've been good about making more social commitments and just being busier in general. I have stuck to my gym schedule, still going 6 days a week. I've been doing boot camp classes twice a week, while increasing my cardio on the other four days - switching it up a little bit too. My shin splints have reared their ugly head again, as SOON as I started running - so the treadmill is out of the picture for a little while! Depending on my mood and what's sore from the previous days workout, I'll try to do 10 -15 minutes each on the stairmaster, the elliptical, and spinning. I have a short attention span, so it's hard for me to stay on a machine for any longer than that!

I am a little mad that the gym has decided to cancel the Thursday boot camp class. As tough as it is, I really enjoyed doing it twice a week - it was always something different, and it didn't leave me stuck in a workout rut, which can happen when you're going so often. So I'll have to figure something else out to take it's place.

While we're on the topic of the gym, I'd like to discuss locker room etiquette. What is WRONG with people lately? I see the strangest, most disgusting things in there and it's really starting to bother me! For example: Last week, there was a woman in the locker room blow drying her hair. Fine, right? No, because she was blow drying her hair stark naked. Yes, naked. Is this necessary? At least put a towel on or something - no one needs to see that. And today, there was a girl sitting on the bench in her bra and underwear - fine, thank you for wearing SOMETHING. But she was sitting indian style and holding her feet. And using a nail clipper to clip dead skin off her feet. By the way, the nail clipper was a part of her keychain - kind of weird. Anyway, okay. REALLY? Do that at home, that's DISGUSTING! I was so grossed out, I gathered my belongings as quickly as possible and ran the hell out of there before I vomited everywhere.

Any weird locker room stories that you have to share?

Also, I will post some more recipes tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. I hate to laugh but LOLLLLLL! I can attest to the bad lockeroom etiquette you mentioned. One time at Xsport I was getting ready after my workout. I showered and had brought a robe to wear while doing makeup and hair. The chick at the next vanity was in jeans, heels and full makeup blow drying her hair TOPLESS. I mean seriously who does that?

    I'm not a prude about my body, but modesty to me is appropriate when in front of STRANGERS. The other incident that sticks out to me is the woman that proceeded to sit on the bench naked and watch the TV. Ever since then I've been conscious to not sit my bag on those benches. EW.

    PS I love boot camp!
