My Progress

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 1 Wrap-up

They say the first week is always the hardest, right? Well mine was a little tough, but not so bad. 

The good news is, I survived. I lost a little over a pound, and went down 2% in body fat. So we are on the right track! Now I just have to keep it going for 14 more weeks!

I made it to the gym every single day - 7 days in a row! I was able to get in some more cardio, and add in different kinds, like the stairmaster and spinning. I want to get back on the treadmill, but my shin splints are still bothering me. Hopefully this week!

One thing I invested in to help me out was a food scale. I've always wanted one, but didn't know if it would really help me. I'm so glad I finally bought it, because it's been a big help! It was only $20, it does the most basic functions that I need, and it's small and doesn't take up too much space. When I started measuring food out on the scale, I got a much better idea of exactly how much I was eating of things that were harder to portion out. Like cheese, for example. I was assuming that I was putting 1/4 cup of cheese on my Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps. Not so! I was only eating about half the serving size. Same thing with avocado, the turkey, etc. Now I can be more precise about tracking my meals. I know it seems a bit obsessive, but it's honestly the only way that this will all work for me! It's just how my brain works. 

I created a snack last week that has turned into a lifesaver for me. It's low cal, high in protein, filling, and tastes great. It gives me the little taste of sweet that I need, since I'm not eating any sweets! It's a half cup of lowfat cottage cheese, 1/8 cup of oats (you can also use granola) and a drizzle of honey. I know, it sounds weird. But the oats add some interesting texture and help fill you up, and the honey balances it all out. This is a new staple for me, I'm obsessed!

Below, I'll list the breakdown of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I won't include Saturday, since it was my cheat day! Although I didn't go crazy, all things considered. I had a bridal shower and a bachelorette party that day - so I worked out in the morning, and ate a small healthy meal before I left for the shower, so that I didn't stuff my face with a million things that were awful for me. At dinner, all the girls shared a bunch of small plates - so that worked out very well!

Lots of carbs on Friday, but Fridays are always a struggle during lent! For dinner that night, I made a margherita pizza with garlic & herb dough from Trader Joes. I rolled the dough out super thin, so it was a nice, crispy thin crust! Add fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and fresh basil, and you have an easy homemade pizza that you can have 4 squares of for around 240 calories. I usually use their whole wheat pizza dough, but this looked too good to pass up. Next time, I am going to make individual pizzas, so I can get more exact nutritional information.

I'm so sore from boot camp yesterday, but I have a 3:00 appointment with the trainer today! Pray for me, I'll need it!



  1. what program are you using to document your food and fitness journal?

    I'm soooo sore from boot camp too! Good luck today, seriously. I give you a lot of cred with going through with the appt still! I'm only doing cardio tonight.

  2. I use www. - I think it's the best and easiest tool out there. You can also create your own recipes, get the nutritional info, and save for later use. They also have a great iPhone app as well, which is great for when you're out and about and you want to look up a certain food, or want to document a meal or workout.

    Training was tough!!! But I made it! For sure taking the day off tomorrow, today was my 8th day in a row and I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow LOL.
