My Progress

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 1 Wrap-up

They say the first week is always the hardest, right? Well mine was a little tough, but not so bad. 

The good news is, I survived. I lost a little over a pound, and went down 2% in body fat. So we are on the right track! Now I just have to keep it going for 14 more weeks!

I made it to the gym every single day - 7 days in a row! I was able to get in some more cardio, and add in different kinds, like the stairmaster and spinning. I want to get back on the treadmill, but my shin splints are still bothering me. Hopefully this week!

One thing I invested in to help me out was a food scale. I've always wanted one, but didn't know if it would really help me. I'm so glad I finally bought it, because it's been a big help! It was only $20, it does the most basic functions that I need, and it's small and doesn't take up too much space. When I started measuring food out on the scale, I got a much better idea of exactly how much I was eating of things that were harder to portion out. Like cheese, for example. I was assuming that I was putting 1/4 cup of cheese on my Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps. Not so! I was only eating about half the serving size. Same thing with avocado, the turkey, etc. Now I can be more precise about tracking my meals. I know it seems a bit obsessive, but it's honestly the only way that this will all work for me! It's just how my brain works. 

I created a snack last week that has turned into a lifesaver for me. It's low cal, high in protein, filling, and tastes great. It gives me the little taste of sweet that I need, since I'm not eating any sweets! It's a half cup of lowfat cottage cheese, 1/8 cup of oats (you can also use granola) and a drizzle of honey. I know, it sounds weird. But the oats add some interesting texture and help fill you up, and the honey balances it all out. This is a new staple for me, I'm obsessed!

Below, I'll list the breakdown of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I won't include Saturday, since it was my cheat day! Although I didn't go crazy, all things considered. I had a bridal shower and a bachelorette party that day - so I worked out in the morning, and ate a small healthy meal before I left for the shower, so that I didn't stuff my face with a million things that were awful for me. At dinner, all the girls shared a bunch of small plates - so that worked out very well!

Lots of carbs on Friday, but Fridays are always a struggle during lent! For dinner that night, I made a margherita pizza with garlic & herb dough from Trader Joes. I rolled the dough out super thin, so it was a nice, crispy thin crust! Add fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and fresh basil, and you have an easy homemade pizza that you can have 4 squares of for around 240 calories. I usually use their whole wheat pizza dough, but this looked too good to pass up. Next time, I am going to make individual pizzas, so I can get more exact nutritional information.

I'm so sore from boot camp yesterday, but I have a 3:00 appointment with the trainer today! Pray for me, I'll need it!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gym Must-Haves

There are a few things I need to make sure I get to the gym and have a successful workout. 

1) my iPod nano, loaded with an effective gym playlist. This new touchscreen version is great for the gym, as it's small, lightweight, and easily clips onto anything you want it to. It also has a FM radio, and a pedometer. Starting at $149, you can get yours here.
2) Vitamin Water Zero Lemonade. Zero calories, sweetened with Stevia, very refreshing!
3) Water Bobble! Yes, Bobble, not bottle. This neat little bottle comes with a filter, and actually filters the water as you drink. Kill two birds with one stone - stay hydrated, save the environment! I no longer buy water bottles since I purchased my Bobble. the 13 ounce version starts at around $9, and is available at Target, or you can order online here. The filter is good for 2-3 months, and then you can get a replacement filter for less than $5. Aren't they cute?

 4) Harbinger Womens Gloves - Calluses are nasty. Keep your pretty little hands safe with some cute gloves by Harbinger. Durable, useful, and they come in pink! Available at any sporting goods store.

5) Naked Juice Smoothies. Yes, those creepy looking juices you see in the refrigerated section of the grocery store. With no sugar added, these juices are bursting with healthy fruits and boosts, depending on the flavor. My favorites so far are Mighty Mango, and Green Machine. Just do me a favor - don't drink the whole 32 ounce bottle in one sitting - that's a good way to kill 550+ calories. I drink mine throughout the day, over a span of two days. It's a great after-gym drink.
6) Kombucha. Yes, the even CREEPIER looking inexplicable liquids you see in the refrigerated section. I've been obsessed with GT's Kombucha for almost two years now. The benefits are amazing - it increases your energy level, curbs your appetite, improves digestion, improves skin and hair, and much more. If I have a stomach ache, this is what I drink. This is great before the gym for energy, or after to quench your thirst. I prefer the Synergy variety, in Strawberry Serenity or Mystic Mango. Try it, you'll like it!

What are your gym must-haves? Anything you'd like to share?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Taco Tuesday

Tuesday started off sore. Very sore. But, it's always good to know and feel that you're making some progress! At the gym, I did a 30 minute ab workout, and 20 minutes on the elliptical. I'm hoping that by the end of the week, I can get up to 25 minutes on the elliptical. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is for me - I HATE cardio.

I went to try on, be measured for, and order my bridesmaid dress! I was between two sizes, and we went with the smaller size. When I said to the girl, "I know you hear this a lot, but I'm planning on losing 15 pounds before the wedding, sooooo....." I could practically hear her eyes rolling. Actually, she was very nice and accommodating. House of Brides was not quite the House of Horrors I thought it would be.

Here's how my day panned out:

Umm, I may have had a little too much protein. My stomach hurt for 6 hours after I ate dinner. Whoopsie...

I had been craving mexican food for a few days, so I got the idea to make turkey tacos. I have a love/hate relationship with tortillas. I love tortillas. Hate the calories. While there are some good, low cal, lower carb options for tortillas (my favorite is Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat, about 80 cals per tortilla) I decided to forgo the added cals tonight. I was inspired by the lettuce wraps that I had recently tried at Pei Wei, and decided to wrap the tacos in iceberg lettuce leaves. I didn't even miss the tortilla! I think I actually liked it better this way. And I usually eat two tacos, so that cut about 160 calories from my dinner. To quote Charlie Sheen, "Duh, winning!". 

Since you don't have the added calories and carbs, you can load up on the toppings a little bit more. I added mashed avocado, fat free sour cream, fat free cheddar cheese, and tomatoes. Two lettuce wrap tacos ran me about 310 calories. Give this a try next time you're craving mexican!

Meatloaf Monday

Day one, not so bad! I actually quite enjoyed how I felt after I ate, in comparison to Sunday, when I felt like I was going to explode after eating a breakfast quesadilla, buffalo wild wings, and Red Mango! Here's how the day panned out:

Basically, I could use a little less carbs, and a little more protein. At the gym, I did a 40 minute leg workout, and 20 minutes on the elliptical. 

For dinner, I decided on meatloaf. I know the general consensus on meatloaf isn't that great, especially if you were forced to eat dry, tasteless, overcooked meatloaf as a child. Well, this is not your mothers meatloaf! I make mine with lean turkey, and bake into mini loaves, so that it's easily portion controlled. And I have two secret ingredients up my sleeve. Here's the recipe for my Cheesy Turkey Meatloaf:

For meatloaf:
1 package (20 ounces) lean ground turkey
2 tablespoons French Fried Onions 
1 piece light string cheese
1 tablespoon plain breadcrumbs
1 egg
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning (I prefer the McCormick grinders)

For topping:
2 tablespoons French Fried Onions
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 tablespoon light brown sugar
1 tablespoon of water

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Cut the string cheese into small cubes, and combine all meatloaf ingredients in a bowl - do not overmix! My mini loaf pan makes 8 loaves, so I score the meat into 8 equal sections. If you don't have a mini loaf pan, try a cupcake pan.

Crush the french fried onions in a bag, and set aside. In a small bowl, combine the ketchup, brown sugar, and water. This should create a thin glaze. 

Evenly distribute the meatloaf mixture into the pan. Brush each one with the ketchup mixture. Bake for 20 minutes, then top with the crushed french fried onions, and bake for 5 more minutes.

I know, the addition of the french fried onions and the string cheese is a little weird, but trust me, it works beautifully. Eric and I both agreed that this was the best meatloaf I've ever made! 

Portion size is two mini loaves, which is just under 300 calories. Feel free to bulk up the recipe with vegetables - unfortunately, we just don't like them very much ;) Here's the nutritional info:

As usual, if you try the recipe out, please let me know what you think!


Monday, March 14, 2011

First Recipe - Vanilla Protein Pancakes

I know, it sounds kinda weird, right? Trust me, they're delicious, filling, and they'll curb your craving. I concocted this recipe this afternoon when I was hungry for lunch and craving pancakes. They freeze really well, so it's nice to make a big batch and save some for later, to quickly defrost for whenever you want one. Or two ;) You won't believe how fluffy they are!

1/3 cup of Bisquick Heart Smart mix

1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use Biochem Whey Protein)
1/3 cup of light plain soymilk
1/8 cup of quick-cooking oats
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
a dash of ground cinnamon

Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl - add more water if the consistency is too thick. Spray your griddle pan with Pam, and cook as you would normally make pancakes.

This recipe makes 4 mini pancakes, and a serving is two pancakes. I like to spray them with spray butter, and top with 1/2 teaspoon of light syrup. Below is your nutritional information:

133 calories and 10 grams of protein for 2 pancakes? That's awesome. And honestly? I was full halfway through the second one. The addition of the oats helped make these a little more filling.

If you make these, please let me know what you think!


Welcome to my new blog, Operation Skinny Bridesmaid. The title is pretty self-explanatory, right? I'll be a bridesmaid in my friends wedding on July 2nd, and my goal is to lose 15 pounds by the time of the wedding. I will be using this blog over the next 15 weeks to document my eating & exercise habits, and most importantly, my progress! 

I will also be sharing recipes that I've come up with in order to help me reach my goal. If you're ever dieted before, you know how difficult it can be to come up with creative meals so that you're not eating the same, boring food every day. My boyfriend is also starting to eat healthier, so now I have to please and accommodate him as well. 

Kick-starting this should be pretty easy, since I've already given up the three C's (cookies, candy, and cupcakes) for Lent - I've also excluded ice cream. If you know me, you know how difficult this could be for me. Just keep me away from Sprinkles and I might be okay ;) My only "indulgence" will be frozen yogurt from Red Mango - luckily, it's very healthy minus all the toppings!

When dieting before, I always thought that if I was working less hours, it would be so much easier to eat the right foods and get to the gym more. Well, the problem is, since I quit my job in November, I spend so much time at home and often confuse boredom with hunger. And we all know the kind of binge-ing that can happen behind closed doors when no one else is around! While getting to the gym more often is easier now, it's also easier to graze on food all throughout the day, or make a pit stop at Panera while running errands. When I was working, I would prepare all my food ahead of time and have it all portioned out for the day, so there's no temptation of doing something disgusting, like getting a gyro for lunch. My workout habits have pretty much allowed me to eat what I want and not gain weight, but now it's time to get both of them in line.

My designated cheat days will be Saturdays. I'll be aiming for 6 days a week at the gym - the absolute minimum will be 5 days. I'll be cutting a few things out of my diet, like:
-white carbs (white bread, white pasta, white flour, white rice, etc...)

-white sugar
-carbs will be kept to a minimum, any any eaten must be whole wheat or whole grain

I'll be posting my first recipe later today, and I'll also include what I ate today and a summary of what my session was with the personal trainer today. Please wish me luck on my journey!