My Progress

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Taco Tuesday

Tuesday started off sore. Very sore. But, it's always good to know and feel that you're making some progress! At the gym, I did a 30 minute ab workout, and 20 minutes on the elliptical. I'm hoping that by the end of the week, I can get up to 25 minutes on the elliptical. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is for me - I HATE cardio.

I went to try on, be measured for, and order my bridesmaid dress! I was between two sizes, and we went with the smaller size. When I said to the girl, "I know you hear this a lot, but I'm planning on losing 15 pounds before the wedding, sooooo....." I could practically hear her eyes rolling. Actually, she was very nice and accommodating. House of Brides was not quite the House of Horrors I thought it would be.

Here's how my day panned out:

Umm, I may have had a little too much protein. My stomach hurt for 6 hours after I ate dinner. Whoopsie...

I had been craving mexican food for a few days, so I got the idea to make turkey tacos. I have a love/hate relationship with tortillas. I love tortillas. Hate the calories. While there are some good, low cal, lower carb options for tortillas (my favorite is Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat, about 80 cals per tortilla) I decided to forgo the added cals tonight. I was inspired by the lettuce wraps that I had recently tried at Pei Wei, and decided to wrap the tacos in iceberg lettuce leaves. I didn't even miss the tortilla! I think I actually liked it better this way. And I usually eat two tacos, so that cut about 160 calories from my dinner. To quote Charlie Sheen, "Duh, winning!". 

Since you don't have the added calories and carbs, you can load up on the toppings a little bit more. I added mashed avocado, fat free sour cream, fat free cheddar cheese, and tomatoes. Two lettuce wrap tacos ran me about 310 calories. Give this a try next time you're craving mexican!


  1. Yummy! This gives our taco night a run for its money! I like the lettuce wrap idea.

    I was going to suggest two things: black beans (high in fiber and protein) and greek yogurt in place of the LF sour cream. It's a little more nutritious, but still has that zing flavor.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions - I'm sure people will like them! However, I dont like black beans that much- and If I would have added more proetin last night, I might have died, LOL. I actually HATE plain Greek yogurt. I like the pomegranate flavor with a little honey :)
