My Progress

Monday, March 14, 2011


Welcome to my new blog, Operation Skinny Bridesmaid. The title is pretty self-explanatory, right? I'll be a bridesmaid in my friends wedding on July 2nd, and my goal is to lose 15 pounds by the time of the wedding. I will be using this blog over the next 15 weeks to document my eating & exercise habits, and most importantly, my progress! 

I will also be sharing recipes that I've come up with in order to help me reach my goal. If you're ever dieted before, you know how difficult it can be to come up with creative meals so that you're not eating the same, boring food every day. My boyfriend is also starting to eat healthier, so now I have to please and accommodate him as well. 

Kick-starting this should be pretty easy, since I've already given up the three C's (cookies, candy, and cupcakes) for Lent - I've also excluded ice cream. If you know me, you know how difficult this could be for me. Just keep me away from Sprinkles and I might be okay ;) My only "indulgence" will be frozen yogurt from Red Mango - luckily, it's very healthy minus all the toppings!

When dieting before, I always thought that if I was working less hours, it would be so much easier to eat the right foods and get to the gym more. Well, the problem is, since I quit my job in November, I spend so much time at home and often confuse boredom with hunger. And we all know the kind of binge-ing that can happen behind closed doors when no one else is around! While getting to the gym more often is easier now, it's also easier to graze on food all throughout the day, or make a pit stop at Panera while running errands. When I was working, I would prepare all my food ahead of time and have it all portioned out for the day, so there's no temptation of doing something disgusting, like getting a gyro for lunch. My workout habits have pretty much allowed me to eat what I want and not gain weight, but now it's time to get both of them in line.

My designated cheat days will be Saturdays. I'll be aiming for 6 days a week at the gym - the absolute minimum will be 5 days. I'll be cutting a few things out of my diet, like:
-white carbs (white bread, white pasta, white flour, white rice, etc...)

-white sugar
-carbs will be kept to a minimum, any any eaten must be whole wheat or whole grain

I'll be posting my first recipe later today, and I'll also include what I ate today and a summary of what my session was with the personal trainer today. Please wish me luck on my journey!


  1. Congrats on the new blog honey and I know you can do it! Good luck!

  2. I'm going to play "follow the leader" here, since I know what an AMAZING cook you are!! Congrats on the blog, and good luck to you K Tina!!

  3. Thanks Stephie!!

    Kel- thank you! And I can't wait for YOUR wedding!

  4. I'm excited about this blog! Looking forward to learning new recipes and cheering you on through this journey! xo :)
