My Progress

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

healthy eating? what's that?

oh how the mighty have fallen... off the wagon.

after the craziness of the wedding was over, i got a little crazy myself - with EATING. blame it on the holiday, blame it on the street fests, blame it on my 3 week long migraine (no, not kidding) or blame it on me just needing some good old binge eating. this past week was the worst - ice cream, multiple times. bbq pulled pork sandwiches. macaroni & cheese. cornbread. cherry coke floats. brisket sandwiches. beer - lots of it. hooters. portillos. taco bell. mcdonalds. GROSS!!! i got busy with work, my business, and overall just got lazy. but now it's all out of my system & i'm ready to start fresh.

so as of yesterday, i'm back on the fitness wagon. pilates 4-5 times a week, and a little bit of gym time too. cutting out the white carbs, cutting down on sugars, and absolutely no soda or sweet tea. after just one day i already feel a little better! we have a little less than 6 weeks to go until our Orange County beach vacation, so at least I have another end point in mind to reach my goal. I would ideally like to lose another 5 pounds by vacation. wish me luck!

as i mentioned above, i have been keeping busy with my new cake pop business, pops by kristina! it's been a lot of fun being creative and having great ideas come to life. i'm currently working on a few orders, one being very big - i'm doing the entire sweet table for my friends daughters first birthday party! i can't wait to see how it all turns out! if you'd like to learn more about pops by kristina, you can visit me on facebook -
all facebook fans receive 20% off of their first order!

all for now - wish me luck on the next 6 weeks!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My final (but not so final) numbers, and my new business!

Well hello everyone! What a whirlwind 4 months it has been! Thanks to the readers, whoever you are, for sharing this journey with me! Also thanks to my family, and the friends that have been supportive of me since day one - it's much appreciated! A HUGE thank you to my amazing pilates instructors over at Demi-Bar Pilates - Sheila, Jen, Julie, Pauline, Tami & Katie! You ladies helped me re-shape my body and shave those inches away!

Speaking of inches, here's my final results!
I went from 128 lbs to 117 lbs - lost a total of 11 lbs! 
Waist: -4.5 inches
Hips: -6 inches
Thighs: -4.5 inches
Arms: -1 inch
Pant Waist: -6 inches
Chest: -5 inches

That's a total of 27 inches lost! I have old jeans that fit again, clothes that are too big on me... it really is a great feeling. I can't stress enough how great the demi-bar pilates has been. I have arm muscles! Actual biceps that don't look like creepy woman bodybuilder biceps! My thighs and my stomach, while seeing some decent improvement, are still an area of concern. That's okay though, because this journey is not over! Why? Well, one reason is our Laguna Beach vacation coming up in just 7 weeks. Another reason is, my BEST friend Stephanie over at The Single Slant is getting MARRIED!!!! So I've got to keep up the hard work to look good at her wedding too! We've got a little over a year to go, and I'm already looking forward to seeing what kind of results I'll have a year from now - there is NO room for slacking! If you are interested in following Stephanie's wedding planning journey, you can do so over at Bellissima Bride.

The final piece of information that I would like to share with you is that I have started a new side business. I recently became obsessed with cake pops, and since I've had some extra time on my hands, I've been experimenting with making all different kinds. My first attempt was for the bridal shower, where I made cheesecake pops and also made cute stands to display them on - they were a huge success, so I just kept on going! I decided to start up a little side business called Pops By Kristina - you can find me on Facebook, follow me on Twitteremail me or call me at 708.316.POPS for more information. I can do birthday parties, bridal showers, baby showers, bachelorette parties, you name it! It's so fun to be creating cute little treats to share with others. Please wish me luck with my new business venture!

I will leave you with some photos of the wedding, and of my work. Thanks again everyone!

Bridal Shower cheesecake pops!

Chocolate cake pops for the birthday girl

Chocolate cake pops with a peanut butter swirl

More birthday cake pops

Funfetti pops!!

The Wedding :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

18 days to go!!!

Wow, I cannot believe how fast time is flying! I've been so busy counting down to the wedding, I didn't realize that by the time the wedding was over and done with, we would be halfway through summer! So yes, the title is correct, there are 18 days to go!

I have to admit, I have slacked somewhat over the past week. I fit a few demi-bar pilates classes in, but didn't get to the gym like I had planned. I even took 3 whole days in a row off - just way too busy with other stuff, but I also think I needed that break. So I started back at it yesterday with a class in the evening, I'm doing two classes today, and I'll be doing as many double workouts as I can until the big day.

If anyone was wondering how the Trader Joe's Detox went, it was not great. I had to stop after 6 days. I truly think that I just wasn't getting enough nutrients because nothing was staying in my body long enough. I got a severe migraine that basically landed me in bed for three days, so I thought it was best to just stop. I wasn't a fan, but my friend didn't have any issues with it. The food restrictions are so frustrating though, that when it comes time to eat, you get so annoyed trying to figure out what to eat that you're not even hungry anymore. I did lose two more pounds after I was finished though!

Last week, my girlfriends and I went to the annual summer patio kickoff party at our favorite restaurant, Carlucci's.We had a blast, but the most fun part was interacting with the crowd. It was a very diverse crowd that night, and we were probably some of the youngest girls there (besides those super-skinny little models running around in bikinis). Out of nowhere, an older gentleman came up to me and said, "You have to have great legs to pull off an outfit like that.... and you do". Needless to say, I turned bright red in embarrassment. I really have no other reaction to that, other than, THANK YOU, demi-bar pilates!!!

Since I started this journey, I am officially down 10 pounds, and I have lost a total of 23.75 inches! I have lost a total of 15 inches since I started pilates in the beginning of May. So far it's been 3 months, and I'm pretty happy with the progress that I've made in this time. My clothes fit better, and some are even too big - isn't that the greatest feeling??

I'm taking off - time to get started on another busy day - and the bachelorette party is this weekend!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

80 days in....

Well hello again! I'm up earlier than I should be, with some time to kill before pilates, so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to make a new blog post!

So, the title of this post is right: it's been 80 days since I started this journey. EIGHTY! I can't believe it! And there are 30 days until the wedding. So let's check in and see where I'm at, shall we?

Demi-Bar Pilates has been AMAZING for me. It's a great workout, and it totally does re-shape your body. I can't say enough good things about it. I try to do pilates 3-4 times a week, and do the cardio fusion class twice a week. Demi-Bar Pilates will usually burn anywhere between 280 - 450 calories for me, and on days I do pilates, I usually go to the gym as well to do cardio for about 25 minutes. The Cardio Fusion class is all about keeping your heart rate up, so I usually burn about 400-530 in that class. Last nights was brutal, and I'm feeling the pain!

So within just 4 weeks of pilates, I felt my body changing and I started dropping more inches. Here are the inches I lost since I started doing pilates:

WAIST -1.25
HIPS -2.5
THIGH -1.5
ARM -1
CHEST -1.5

That makes for a total of 11 inches lost in one month! And I finally lost an inch in my arms, the stubborn little area that wouldn't budge!

Overall, since the beginning of the skinny bridesmaid journey on march 14th, I've lost a total of 19.75 inches, 2% body fat, and 8 pounds. It's a little disappointing that I haven't lost more weight, but at least the inches are melting off, which makes me feel great. I can't wait to see what the total end result will be!

Another bridesmaid and I just started the Trader Joe's Complete Body Cleanse. It's a two week program with 3 different kinds of pills. During the cleanse, you are to limit and/or eliminate the following:
  • alcohol
  • simple carbohydrates
  • red meat
  • dairy
Yesterday was day 1, nothing crazy happened. I'll keep you guys posted if anyone is interested in doing it. I've heard great things about it, and I've also heard that you could drop a few pounds from it as well. And now that I think of it, it's about that time to go take the fiber capsules!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Glowing Green Smoothie recipe, and other notes

Okay, so I've been bad at updating this. But we all knew that was going to happen. I have a short attention span.

First and foremost, I would like to share my most recent results. I am now down a total of 8 pounds since I started on March 14th, just 8 weeks ago. I have also lost a total of 12 inches from the spots that I have been measuring. There are 7 &1/2 weeks to go until the wedding!

Inches lost:
Waist: -2
Hips: -3.5
Thighs: -1.5
Arms: 0 (the one thing that wont budge!)
Waist where my pants hit: -2.5
Chest: -2.5

 I am pretty pleased with how I've done so far! My end goal may not be realistic - I'd have to lose another 10 pounds. Honestly, I'd be happy with losing just 5 more. We will see how I do!

I touched on the Glowing Green Smoothie in my last update, it has been something that I've incorporated into my diet during the past two weeks. It looks weird, tastes delicious, and gets lots of fruits and veggies into my diet that I wouldn't otherwise eat - I am NOT a veggie eater. The recipe comes from the amazing book, The Beauty Detox Solution, by Kimberly Snyder. The book is a real eye opener, and helps you look at diet and nutrition a lot differently. I learned a lot about digestion, and have made small changes to what I eat, and when I eat it, which has helped me a lot. You can buy the book here, and check out Kimberly's blog and website here.

Glowing Green Smoothie Recipe 
Adapted from The Beauty Detox Solution, by Kimberly Snyder

1 & 1/2 cups of cold, filtered water
1 head of organic romaine lettuce, chopped
3-4 stalks of organic celery
large bunch of organic spinach
1 organic apple, cored and chopped (I like to use Gala apples)
1 organic pear, cored and chopped
1 organic banana
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
zest of 1/2 a lemon
Optional: (I never used either, because I don't particularly care for either flavor)
1/3 bunch of organic cilantro
1/3 bunch of organic parsley
In a blender, add the water and the romaine lettuce. Start at a low speed, and mix until smooth. Gradually moving to higher speeds, add the spinach, celery, apple, and pear. Add the cilantro and parsley, if you are choosing to add them. Add the banana, the lemon juice, and the lemon zest last. 

I recommend refrigerating this for at least 2 hours before drinking - I always made a big batch at night before bed - enough for 3 days. It is great to have as your breakfast, which is what I did for two weeks straight. (I gave up eggs during this time, shocking, I know!) I promise, it tastes great. I always added a little extra lemon juice - the zest isn't in the original recipe, but I think it adds nice flavor. It doesn't taste like spinach or lettuce, honestly all you taste is the apple, the pear, and the lemon. Let me know if you try it!

I have also started doing new exercise classes, which I luckily get to do for free, courtesy of my new part-time job! I started doing Demi-Bar Pilates, which Madonna made famous. It uses a ballet barre, a pilates ball, 3 pound weights, gliders, and the "magic circle".  I also started a Cardio Fusion class, which incorporates the use of gliders, flex bands, 3 pound weights, and a bunch of other stuff I've never used before! Everything focuses on small movements and pulses - it doesn't look like you're doing much, but don't be fooled - it's TOUGH! I love it and I'm now obsessed. So I am hoping that these classes, along with cardio, will help get me to the next level :)

You can find more information about the classes I have been taking at Fixe Self Center here:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A quick Easter update

Hello everyone! I'm awful at updating, I know. But I have been busy, busy, busy with making it to every single Yoga Sculpt class available, getting in extra cardio in the gym, changing my eating habits, and a few other things that I can't talk about just yet. But my hard work has continued to pay off! Here's some results:

Since March 14th, I've lost a total of:
6 pounds
8 overall inches
body fat has also gone down another percentage

I am so happy that I am monitoring my inches - it helps to measure a few different things so that you can see results in different ways!

This week was an interesting one. I started reading the book The Beauty Detox Soloution, by Kimberly Snyder. It's totally changed my perspective on how I eat, what I'm eating, and when I'm eating. It's also encouraged me to become a vegetarian. Now, I know that I personally could never become a full blown vegetarian, but I can cut back on the amount of animal protein that I eat. So this week, I gave it a shot, and didn't eat any meat or eggs Monday through Friday. I didn't miss it too much, and I think it helped with my weight loss this week. I've also been drinking Kimberly's Glowing Green Smoothie for breakfast - I will post the recipe later on today. I'm not a vegetable person, so it's helped me get more veggies and fiber in me in an easy way. I've had more energy, and just felt better overall - much less bloating, also.

That is all for now - I promise I will be back soon with more details about the Beauty Detox and the smoothie. Have a great Easter everyone!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

We're making some progress!

So here's where we stand, about 4 weeks into this bridesmaid slimdown:

I've lost about 4 pounds - which can be a bit discouraging, but let's keep in mind two things:
  • I typically don't lose a lot of weight right away. It's frustrating, but it takes a while
  • I'm actually putting on quite a bit of muscle - you should see my push-ups!
I have lost half an inch in my waist, an inch in my hips, half an inch in my thighs, and an inch at the spot on my waist that my yoga pants hit. This is exciting progress for me!

In addition to my regular workouts and boot camp, I have thrown one more thing into the mix - Yoga Sculpt! I've taken 3 classes so far and I am in LOVE. The class is available at Core Power Yoga and it is AMAZING. Now, I generally hate yoga. Despise it, even. My friend and fellow bridesmaid Amanda lured me into going. She promised me it would be fun. And besides, the first week is FREE! So I said fine, I'll try it, but if I hate it, I'm going to stab your eyeballs out. Lucky for Amanda, and her eyeballs, I LOVED it. It is so not your typical yoga class. The music is fun and upbeat. You can talk, giggle, sing along to Britney and Rihanna, and oh, sweat your ass off because it's 95 degrees in there. You go through some basic yoga poses, and use weights as well - you can use 3 lbs, 5 lbs, or 8 lbs. You walk out sweaty, refreshed, and feeling like you can take over the world! I stretched in ways I didn't even know I could stretch. It was great, and now I'm addicted. The teachers are so nice, the facility is beautiful, and the best part - the lemon lavender cold face cloth they place on your forehead at the end of class. OH. MY. GOD. Complete and total bliss.

All for now - I'm going to keep on trucking away! 11 weeks to go!

New recipe- guilt free quiche

Okay- I am OBSESSED with quiche. I went through a phase last year where I was making two a week. I love it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, it's perfect anytime. And the great part is, it's totally customizable. I stick to the same recipe every time, because I'm a pretty picky eater. But all you veggie lovers can load this quiche up with asparagus, mushrooms, whatever you want- and it only increases the nutritional values!

Skinny quiche

6 oz baby spinach
1/4 cup diced white onion

1 cup bisquick heart smart baking mix
1-2 tbs water
1 egg white
1 tsp Parmesan cheese

1 egg
9 whites
1/2 cup light plain soy milk
3 strips of bacon crumbled
1/2 cup fat free cheddar cheese
Salt & pepper
1/2 tsp nutmeg

preheat oven to 400 degrees
In a small bowl, combine the bisquick, egg white, Parmesan cheese, and water until it becomes a soft dough. On a bisquick floured surface, knead the dough a few times, then roll out into a circle the size of your pie pan, or whatever you are using. Lightly spray your pan with cooking spray, then place dough in the pan. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of Parmesan cheese over the dough, then pre- bake in the oven for about 10 minutes, until lightly browned. Remove, and set aside.

In a non-stick skillet under medium heat, spray with non-stick cooking spray (or EVOO, if you have a Misto sprayer like I do!). Sautée the onions until they start to slightly change in color. Add the spinach on top, season with salt and pepper. Stir until all the spinach is wilted, then turn off heat and let spinach cool. Set aside.

I like to microwave my bacon- it minimizes the mess, and soaks up all the excess grease. Layer two pieces of paper towel on a plate. Arrange the bacon on the plate so that they are not touching. Layer two more pieces of paper towel on top. Microwave for about 3 minutes, or until the bacon has reached the crispiness that you desire. Feel free to add more bacon if you like - I generally cook one minute per slice. Once cooked, take bacon off the plate and set aside to cool.

In a medium bowl, whisk the egg & egg whites until combined. Season with salt and pepper. Add the soy milk, and mix again. Add the crumbled bacon, cheddar cheese, spinach, and nutmeg, mix until combined. Pour mixture into your pie pan with the prepared crust, and bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, sprinkle another teaspoon of Parmesan cheese on top of the quiche, and bake for another 8-10 minutes- until the mixture no longer wiggles when you shake the pan, and it's lightly browned on top. Let cool for 10 minutes, then slice into 8 pieces.

Just look at how this quiche stacks up nutritionally - only 117 calories per slice! If you're super hungry, you can absolutely afford to eat two pieces!
A couple of notes:
  • I do not own a pie pan. I don't know why, it seems to be the one thing in my kitchen that I am lacking. So I use my springform pan, and line it with foil so that nothing leaks through. Use what you have.
  • I've made this with several different crusts. Basic, store bought pie crust works great - but 1/8th of the crust contains about 180 calories, and I'm sure it's filled with butter. Tastes good, but no thanks. Phyllo dough works well also - use about 5 sheets for the crust and it won't do much damage, calorie-wise. Another option is a whole wheat crust - Wholly Wholsome has a great pre-made whole wheat crust that you can pick up at Whole Foods. I've used it a few times, but to me, it kind of tastes like cardboard.
  • Cooking times are estimates - keep your eye on the quiche! If it's overcooked, it's gross, so don't let it get too brown on top!
  • This holds up well in the fridge for 2-3 days - although in my house, it doesn't last that long!
  • Feel free to add whatever you'd like to the mixture! More veggies, different cheeses, the possibilities are endless. Get creative!
I was honestly stunned at the calorie content when I figured it all out. I'm so happy that I was able to make one of my favorite foods so figure friendly. This is also a great thing to make for guests - it looks impressive, but it's actually pretty easy!

My masterpiece, in it's springform pan

The finished product - TA-DA!!!
Yum - the piece I chose to devour!
 As always, please let me know if you try my recipe, and let me know what you think! I love to hear feedback!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Muffins that won't give you a muffin top!

I promised you some recipes yesterday - those of you who know me, know that I'm almost always late - well, better late than never!

In my spare time, I've tested a LOT of recipes lately. I like to try the original first, taste it, calculate nutritional info, and then tweak & re-calculate. I'm usually looking to lighten up the calories, use less sugar, and add more protein. I started adding protein powder to baked goods a few months ago, when I was inspired by fellow fitness blogger Joanna's Peanut Butter Protein Cookies over at . It's a really great, easy, delicious way to bump up the nutritional value of any treats you're making! You can find the recipe for Joanna's cookies here.

I absolutely adore Bethenny Frankel from Real Housewives of New York, Bethenny Getting Married, and Bethenny Ever After! I had the pleasure of meeting her two years ago, and she is every bit as hilarious in person. I love her recipes because they're easy, healthy, and delicious. My favorite part about her recipes in her book, The Skinnygirl Dish, is that she lists several substitutions for each ingredient - they are truly a "use what you have" kind of recipe. I have made many of her recipes, but I have my favorites! Her Cranberry Pumpkin Spice Muffins are amazing, and I've put my own little twist on it to cut out some sugar and add some protein. Her original recipe can be found here.

Left to right: Katarina, Tina, Me, Bethenny, and my BFF JoAnn

Here is my adapted recipe for Cranberry Pumpkin Spice Protein Muffins:
3 cups oat flour (oat flour is just finely ground oats - you can also sub whole wheat flour)
1 cup raw sugar
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg
2 egg whites
1 3/4 cups pumpkin puree
3/4 cup water
2 scoops vanilla protein powder (I use BioChem Whey)
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 ½ cups dried cranberries

In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine raw sugar, melted butter, oil, eggs, pumpkin and water. Beat for 90 seconds, or until well mixed.
Whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, protein powder, salt and spices, stirring until no streaks remain.
Combine flour mixture and pumpkin mixture. Stir in cranberries; stirring only until all ingredients are mixed.
Cover batter and allow to set at room temperature for 60 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Place muffin cups in muffin holders and fill 2/3 of the way full.
Bake for 40-45 minutes or until muffins tops spring back when lightly touched.

Note - these will make 12 regular size muffins. I like to make them as mini-muffins, so it's like instant portion control. One mini muffin is only 54 calories and 1.5 grams of fat!
These also freeze well - I wrap them individually in foil and then put in a freezer bag. They thaw out beautifully! I like to enjoy them warmed up, with a touch of spray butter. In fact, I'm kinda craving one now that I've written out my version of the recipe - I think I'll take a few out of the freezer right now! 

More recipes to follow later today! If you make these muffins, either mine or Bethenny's recipe, please let me know what you think!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Long time, no blog!

Okay, I'll admit it - I kinda knew this was going to happen. I was all excited to start a blog, and was totally committed to updating it a few times a week. Well, as you can see, I got a little lazy! It's been over a week and I'm a very,very bad blogger. But I promise to get better about it this week :)

The past couple of weeks, I've been good about making more social commitments and just being busier in general. I have stuck to my gym schedule, still going 6 days a week. I've been doing boot camp classes twice a week, while increasing my cardio on the other four days - switching it up a little bit too. My shin splints have reared their ugly head again, as SOON as I started running - so the treadmill is out of the picture for a little while! Depending on my mood and what's sore from the previous days workout, I'll try to do 10 -15 minutes each on the stairmaster, the elliptical, and spinning. I have a short attention span, so it's hard for me to stay on a machine for any longer than that!

I am a little mad that the gym has decided to cancel the Thursday boot camp class. As tough as it is, I really enjoyed doing it twice a week - it was always something different, and it didn't leave me stuck in a workout rut, which can happen when you're going so often. So I'll have to figure something else out to take it's place.

While we're on the topic of the gym, I'd like to discuss locker room etiquette. What is WRONG with people lately? I see the strangest, most disgusting things in there and it's really starting to bother me! For example: Last week, there was a woman in the locker room blow drying her hair. Fine, right? No, because she was blow drying her hair stark naked. Yes, naked. Is this necessary? At least put a towel on or something - no one needs to see that. And today, there was a girl sitting on the bench in her bra and underwear - fine, thank you for wearing SOMETHING. But she was sitting indian style and holding her feet. And using a nail clipper to clip dead skin off her feet. By the way, the nail clipper was a part of her keychain - kind of weird. Anyway, okay. REALLY? Do that at home, that's DISGUSTING! I was so grossed out, I gathered my belongings as quickly as possible and ran the hell out of there before I vomited everywhere.

Any weird locker room stories that you have to share?

Also, I will post some more recipes tomorrow :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 1 Wrap-up

They say the first week is always the hardest, right? Well mine was a little tough, but not so bad. 

The good news is, I survived. I lost a little over a pound, and went down 2% in body fat. So we are on the right track! Now I just have to keep it going for 14 more weeks!

I made it to the gym every single day - 7 days in a row! I was able to get in some more cardio, and add in different kinds, like the stairmaster and spinning. I want to get back on the treadmill, but my shin splints are still bothering me. Hopefully this week!

One thing I invested in to help me out was a food scale. I've always wanted one, but didn't know if it would really help me. I'm so glad I finally bought it, because it's been a big help! It was only $20, it does the most basic functions that I need, and it's small and doesn't take up too much space. When I started measuring food out on the scale, I got a much better idea of exactly how much I was eating of things that were harder to portion out. Like cheese, for example. I was assuming that I was putting 1/4 cup of cheese on my Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps. Not so! I was only eating about half the serving size. Same thing with avocado, the turkey, etc. Now I can be more precise about tracking my meals. I know it seems a bit obsessive, but it's honestly the only way that this will all work for me! It's just how my brain works. 

I created a snack last week that has turned into a lifesaver for me. It's low cal, high in protein, filling, and tastes great. It gives me the little taste of sweet that I need, since I'm not eating any sweets! It's a half cup of lowfat cottage cheese, 1/8 cup of oats (you can also use granola) and a drizzle of honey. I know, it sounds weird. But the oats add some interesting texture and help fill you up, and the honey balances it all out. This is a new staple for me, I'm obsessed!

Below, I'll list the breakdown of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I won't include Saturday, since it was my cheat day! Although I didn't go crazy, all things considered. I had a bridal shower and a bachelorette party that day - so I worked out in the morning, and ate a small healthy meal before I left for the shower, so that I didn't stuff my face with a million things that were awful for me. At dinner, all the girls shared a bunch of small plates - so that worked out very well!

Lots of carbs on Friday, but Fridays are always a struggle during lent! For dinner that night, I made a margherita pizza with garlic & herb dough from Trader Joes. I rolled the dough out super thin, so it was a nice, crispy thin crust! Add fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and fresh basil, and you have an easy homemade pizza that you can have 4 squares of for around 240 calories. I usually use their whole wheat pizza dough, but this looked too good to pass up. Next time, I am going to make individual pizzas, so I can get more exact nutritional information.

I'm so sore from boot camp yesterday, but I have a 3:00 appointment with the trainer today! Pray for me, I'll need it!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gym Must-Haves

There are a few things I need to make sure I get to the gym and have a successful workout. 

1) my iPod nano, loaded with an effective gym playlist. This new touchscreen version is great for the gym, as it's small, lightweight, and easily clips onto anything you want it to. It also has a FM radio, and a pedometer. Starting at $149, you can get yours here.
2) Vitamin Water Zero Lemonade. Zero calories, sweetened with Stevia, very refreshing!
3) Water Bobble! Yes, Bobble, not bottle. This neat little bottle comes with a filter, and actually filters the water as you drink. Kill two birds with one stone - stay hydrated, save the environment! I no longer buy water bottles since I purchased my Bobble. the 13 ounce version starts at around $9, and is available at Target, or you can order online here. The filter is good for 2-3 months, and then you can get a replacement filter for less than $5. Aren't they cute?

 4) Harbinger Womens Gloves - Calluses are nasty. Keep your pretty little hands safe with some cute gloves by Harbinger. Durable, useful, and they come in pink! Available at any sporting goods store.

5) Naked Juice Smoothies. Yes, those creepy looking juices you see in the refrigerated section of the grocery store. With no sugar added, these juices are bursting with healthy fruits and boosts, depending on the flavor. My favorites so far are Mighty Mango, and Green Machine. Just do me a favor - don't drink the whole 32 ounce bottle in one sitting - that's a good way to kill 550+ calories. I drink mine throughout the day, over a span of two days. It's a great after-gym drink.
6) Kombucha. Yes, the even CREEPIER looking inexplicable liquids you see in the refrigerated section. I've been obsessed with GT's Kombucha for almost two years now. The benefits are amazing - it increases your energy level, curbs your appetite, improves digestion, improves skin and hair, and much more. If I have a stomach ache, this is what I drink. This is great before the gym for energy, or after to quench your thirst. I prefer the Synergy variety, in Strawberry Serenity or Mystic Mango. Try it, you'll like it!

What are your gym must-haves? Anything you'd like to share?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Taco Tuesday

Tuesday started off sore. Very sore. But, it's always good to know and feel that you're making some progress! At the gym, I did a 30 minute ab workout, and 20 minutes on the elliptical. I'm hoping that by the end of the week, I can get up to 25 minutes on the elliptical. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is for me - I HATE cardio.

I went to try on, be measured for, and order my bridesmaid dress! I was between two sizes, and we went with the smaller size. When I said to the girl, "I know you hear this a lot, but I'm planning on losing 15 pounds before the wedding, sooooo....." I could practically hear her eyes rolling. Actually, she was very nice and accommodating. House of Brides was not quite the House of Horrors I thought it would be.

Here's how my day panned out:

Umm, I may have had a little too much protein. My stomach hurt for 6 hours after I ate dinner. Whoopsie...

I had been craving mexican food for a few days, so I got the idea to make turkey tacos. I have a love/hate relationship with tortillas. I love tortillas. Hate the calories. While there are some good, low cal, lower carb options for tortillas (my favorite is Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat, about 80 cals per tortilla) I decided to forgo the added cals tonight. I was inspired by the lettuce wraps that I had recently tried at Pei Wei, and decided to wrap the tacos in iceberg lettuce leaves. I didn't even miss the tortilla! I think I actually liked it better this way. And I usually eat two tacos, so that cut about 160 calories from my dinner. To quote Charlie Sheen, "Duh, winning!". 

Since you don't have the added calories and carbs, you can load up on the toppings a little bit more. I added mashed avocado, fat free sour cream, fat free cheddar cheese, and tomatoes. Two lettuce wrap tacos ran me about 310 calories. Give this a try next time you're craving mexican!

Meatloaf Monday

Day one, not so bad! I actually quite enjoyed how I felt after I ate, in comparison to Sunday, when I felt like I was going to explode after eating a breakfast quesadilla, buffalo wild wings, and Red Mango! Here's how the day panned out:

Basically, I could use a little less carbs, and a little more protein. At the gym, I did a 40 minute leg workout, and 20 minutes on the elliptical. 

For dinner, I decided on meatloaf. I know the general consensus on meatloaf isn't that great, especially if you were forced to eat dry, tasteless, overcooked meatloaf as a child. Well, this is not your mothers meatloaf! I make mine with lean turkey, and bake into mini loaves, so that it's easily portion controlled. And I have two secret ingredients up my sleeve. Here's the recipe for my Cheesy Turkey Meatloaf:

For meatloaf:
1 package (20 ounces) lean ground turkey
2 tablespoons French Fried Onions 
1 piece light string cheese
1 tablespoon plain breadcrumbs
1 egg
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning (I prefer the McCormick grinders)

For topping:
2 tablespoons French Fried Onions
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 tablespoon light brown sugar
1 tablespoon of water

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Cut the string cheese into small cubes, and combine all meatloaf ingredients in a bowl - do not overmix! My mini loaf pan makes 8 loaves, so I score the meat into 8 equal sections. If you don't have a mini loaf pan, try a cupcake pan.

Crush the french fried onions in a bag, and set aside. In a small bowl, combine the ketchup, brown sugar, and water. This should create a thin glaze. 

Evenly distribute the meatloaf mixture into the pan. Brush each one with the ketchup mixture. Bake for 20 minutes, then top with the crushed french fried onions, and bake for 5 more minutes.

I know, the addition of the french fried onions and the string cheese is a little weird, but trust me, it works beautifully. Eric and I both agreed that this was the best meatloaf I've ever made! 

Portion size is two mini loaves, which is just under 300 calories. Feel free to bulk up the recipe with vegetables - unfortunately, we just don't like them very much ;) Here's the nutritional info:

As usual, if you try the recipe out, please let me know what you think!


Monday, March 14, 2011

First Recipe - Vanilla Protein Pancakes

I know, it sounds kinda weird, right? Trust me, they're delicious, filling, and they'll curb your craving. I concocted this recipe this afternoon when I was hungry for lunch and craving pancakes. They freeze really well, so it's nice to make a big batch and save some for later, to quickly defrost for whenever you want one. Or two ;) You won't believe how fluffy they are!

1/3 cup of Bisquick Heart Smart mix

1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (I use Biochem Whey Protein)
1/3 cup of light plain soymilk
1/8 cup of quick-cooking oats
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract
a dash of ground cinnamon

Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl - add more water if the consistency is too thick. Spray your griddle pan with Pam, and cook as you would normally make pancakes.

This recipe makes 4 mini pancakes, and a serving is two pancakes. I like to spray them with spray butter, and top with 1/2 teaspoon of light syrup. Below is your nutritional information:

133 calories and 10 grams of protein for 2 pancakes? That's awesome. And honestly? I was full halfway through the second one. The addition of the oats helped make these a little more filling.

If you make these, please let me know what you think!


Welcome to my new blog, Operation Skinny Bridesmaid. The title is pretty self-explanatory, right? I'll be a bridesmaid in my friends wedding on July 2nd, and my goal is to lose 15 pounds by the time of the wedding. I will be using this blog over the next 15 weeks to document my eating & exercise habits, and most importantly, my progress! 

I will also be sharing recipes that I've come up with in order to help me reach my goal. If you're ever dieted before, you know how difficult it can be to come up with creative meals so that you're not eating the same, boring food every day. My boyfriend is also starting to eat healthier, so now I have to please and accommodate him as well. 

Kick-starting this should be pretty easy, since I've already given up the three C's (cookies, candy, and cupcakes) for Lent - I've also excluded ice cream. If you know me, you know how difficult this could be for me. Just keep me away from Sprinkles and I might be okay ;) My only "indulgence" will be frozen yogurt from Red Mango - luckily, it's very healthy minus all the toppings!

When dieting before, I always thought that if I was working less hours, it would be so much easier to eat the right foods and get to the gym more. Well, the problem is, since I quit my job in November, I spend so much time at home and often confuse boredom with hunger. And we all know the kind of binge-ing that can happen behind closed doors when no one else is around! While getting to the gym more often is easier now, it's also easier to graze on food all throughout the day, or make a pit stop at Panera while running errands. When I was working, I would prepare all my food ahead of time and have it all portioned out for the day, so there's no temptation of doing something disgusting, like getting a gyro for lunch. My workout habits have pretty much allowed me to eat what I want and not gain weight, but now it's time to get both of them in line.

My designated cheat days will be Saturdays. I'll be aiming for 6 days a week at the gym - the absolute minimum will be 5 days. I'll be cutting a few things out of my diet, like:
-white carbs (white bread, white pasta, white flour, white rice, etc...)

-white sugar
-carbs will be kept to a minimum, any any eaten must be whole wheat or whole grain

I'll be posting my first recipe later today, and I'll also include what I ate today and a summary of what my session was with the personal trainer today. Please wish me luck on my journey!